For denied a models with notice on divided into separate models and not textured. Sometime I creating models what is not major model with face into street. Its just barn or storage and I create it, because if I do just houses by streets is not so nice, map is not complete. So I did a sign all models this type in name THIS MODEL NOT HAVE FACE TO STREET!
Always after acces I erase this a sign. In this case is main model with same name but without a little letter on end (a, b, c... etc.). How more clear must be a sign. How much more bigger font I must use for you to see this please. I´m not thief, what under face of night creeping into yards and get picture private places. And I confess without torture that deliberately I do not do windows and doors of these places as appropriate. Google does not aim to map the hidden entrances. Nature is still elsewhere. And I can´t leave the place without texture or would you just not enabled. (Although how who and how to). :)

Just look at the map please.
And next place is " model not complet" . If I forced divided model by for yours commands... Yeah, missing main part of house but on this part house barn anything missing? Write me what please.
This town have big high level diferent of terrain against GE.
I know that it´s here little heavy for modeling but exactly from this reason I created Blogg where is foto for imagination too how is it here. I understand that it´s very heavy adjudicate places which You never don´t was see. But I try give information, fotos. You can just say what you need.
For example:
Satelite view.
GE view.
GE view.
GE view.
Satelite view
GE view
I do every thing what you will need. Just say. I´m sure that you don´t have easy work too. Will be it much better for everybody. Because I´m sorry but so this procedure is like you say me: WE do not want any models from you. Models for GE don´t interest us.
I think we all want just better communication no begging. I think it sounds fair.